PureLink™ Microbiome DNA Purification Kit

The PureLink™ Microbiome DNA Purification Kit enables fast purification of high-quality microbial and host DNA from a wide variety of sample types, including challenging samples such as stool and soil. The kit uses proven PureLink spin column technology for robust yields of purified DNA ready for downstream PCR, sequencing, or other applications. The highly efficient triple lysis approach, fast removal of inhibitors, and versatility make this the ultimate kit for microbiome research projects as well as programs aimed at rapid detection of pathogenic bacteria in various samples.

Features of the PureLink Microbiome DNA Purification Kit include:

• Efficient lysis of all microorganisms (including durable species with thicker and more complex cell walls) by a combination of heat, chemical, and mechanical disruption with specialized beads
• Elimination of inhibitory compounds by precipitation using a novel cleanup buffer
• Streamlined protocols for numerous biological samples
• Recovery of high-purity DNA compatible with common downstream applications such as qPCR and next-generation sequencing

For Use With (Application): Next-Generation Sequencing, Real-Time PCR, PCR
Purification Target: Microbial DNA, Genomic DNA
Sample Type: Bacteria, Food & Environmental Samples, Cells, Buccal Samples
High-throughput Compatibility: Not High-throughput Compatible
Shipping Condition: Room Temperature
Product Line: PureLink™

CRISPR Cas9 Technology

CRISPR Cas9 Technology

The transformative CRISPR-Cas9 technology is revolutionizing the field of genome editing. Able to achieve highly flexible and specific targeting, the CRISPR-Cas9 system can be modified and redirected to become a powerful tool for genome editing in broad applications such as stem cell engineering, gene therapy, tissue and animal disease models, and engineering disease-resistant transgenic plants. We've put together a collection of resources that we hope will give you the confidence to get started and to continuously improve your research.

Collibri™ NGS Library Prep Kit

Collibri™ NGS Library Prep Kit

Product name: Collibri NGS Library Pre Kit

Manufacture: Invitrogen/ Thermo Fisher Scientific

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