Platinum™ SuperFi II Green PCR Master Mix

Catalog number: 12369050; 12369010; 12369250

Model: Platinum™ SuperFi II Green PCR Master Mix

Brand: Invitrogen™

Mô tả sản phẩm

Invitrogen Platinum SuperFi II Green PCR Master Mix (2X) contains a ready-to-use mixture of Platinum SuperFi II DNA Polymerase, Platinum SuperFi II Buffer, and dNTPs for convenient PCR setup, as well as two tracking dyes for direct loading of PCR products on gels. Platinum SuperFi II DNA Polymerase is a proofreading DNA polymerase that combines superior fidelity with innovative SuperFi II Buffer, enabling universal primer annealing for the highest success in PCR. It is ideally suited for cloning, mutagenesis, and other applications benefiting from supreme sequence accuracy.

Features of Platinum SuperFi II Green PCR Master Mix include:
• Exceptional >300X Taq fidelity
• Universal primer annealing at 60°C
• Superior specificity, sensitivity, and yields
• Robust amplification of difficult-to-amplify targets (e.g., those with suboptimal purity, ˃65% GC content, long PCR requirement)

Platinum SuperFi II DNA Polymerase is an engineered enzyme with high processivity and increased resistance to PCR inhibitors. It also enables fast-cycling protocols and amplification of long targets (up to 20 kb). Platinum hot-start technology is based on proprietary antibodies that inhibit enzyme activity until the initial PCR denaturation step, preventing non-specific amplification and primer degradation. This technology also enables reaction set up at room temperature and provides increased sensitivity and yield.

Due to the unique composition of the SuperFi II PCR buffer, the annealing temperature is 60°C for most primer pairs designed following the general design rules. Isostabilizing molecules in the buffer increase primer-template duplex stability during the annealing step and contribute to enhanced specificity without the need to optimize the annealing temperature for each primer pair. With Platinum SuperFi II DNA Polymerase, different PCR assays can be cycled together using the same protocol with a universal primer annealing temperature and an extension step selected for the longest fragment to be amplified.

Thành phần cấu tạo

• 10 x 1.25 mL Platinum SuperFi II Green PCR Master Mix
• 10 x 1.25 mL water, nuclease-free

Ứng dụng

• High-fidelity PCR
• Cloning and sub-cloning
• Site-directed mutagenesis
• Amplification of GC-rich templates
• Template generation for sequencing
• High-throughput PCR
• Amplification of samples with suboptimal purity
• Long PCR
• Fast PCR

Thông số kỹ thuật

Fidelity (vs. Taq): >300X
GC-Rich PCR Performance: High
Hot Start: Built-In Hot Start
Overhang: Blunt
Polymerase: Platinum SuperFi II DNA Polymerase
Product Line: Platinum™, SuperFi™
Quantity: 500 Reactions
Reaction Format: SuperMix or Master Mix
Reaction Speed: Fast
Shipping Condition: Dry Ice

Thông tin đặt hàng

Catalog number Unit size
12369050 500 reactions
12369010 1000 reactions
12369250 5 x 500 reactions



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